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                                      Reflections on “FASCIATUS” (Bonelli's Eagle and Others) by Sergei A. Polozov

            Among those who expressed their opinions about this book, there are people who are known for their publications and 
television programs, and even school students (the youngest of whom happened to be seven years old, which I wasn't expecting).  I 
purposely withhold names and titles.  The majority of the reviews sent to me are from complete strangers.  Once again, I thank those 
who shared their impressions.

“I could not miss the chance to express my gratitude to you for this wonderful “Ornithological tale”.  Thank you, this book is truly 
wonderful.  Fascinating, informative, kind, inspirational, and overall positive.  There are books out there, after reading which you simply 
don’t want to do anything – because of the sorrow mood.  But your book is the opposite, it makes you want everything, be interested 
in everything, and live, live, live… in love and harmony. It has special sincerity, which intends tender-hearted attitude to the reader.  It’s 
very pleasant, thank you!”
N., 26, St. Petersburg, Russia

"... Excellent!  One probably could not find a book similar to this, one that combines so many parallel fables, events, people and 
reflections…  I have a question though – did you use your own personal letters to different people or it is a stylistic tool?
V., 28, Helsinki, Finland

"... The book just arrived. I have just dropped everything and have been reading through various sections..."
P., 42, Goose Bay, Canada

“I was totally immersed in this book; I read it in two nights, from cover to cover...  In an era where everyone is rushing and busy, this 
book allowed me to isolate myself from the real world; it was sad to be torn away when I came to the last page.  You are completely in 
tune to the events of this book, it’s like you are walking with the author or sitting next to him on a rock with binoculars in hand.  You 
experience everything he does.  I have some small suggestions, though: chapter “Namaz”, I think, is not for general public…  Also I 
would not end the book with the chapter entitled “Picnic”.  The idea of the book is an engaging plea, calling to a positive new beginning. 
But “Picnic” is too strong, too much contrast to everything… It could be just me, simply of my personal view…  The best chapter, to 
my opinion, is “The Night in Kabul”, even though there is nothing here about Kabul itself.  But being such a piercing philosophy of life, I 
could not compare it to anything else I have read.  Here the Parts have settled naturally into the Whole, as if almost by themselves.  And 
the last paragraphs of this chapter … It struck me as a principally new world-view: a strong antithesis to all world religions together.  
and one small worries of life or real meaning of Life?  But the most amazing thing -- everything was just that in reality, so, it really is as it 
written in Eternity …
V.,69, Moscow, Russia

"... From time to time I go over individual chapters.  They warm my soul..."
G., 46, Tbilisi, Georgia

“Having the opportunity, I cannot miss the chance to express my gratitude to you for this delightfully kind and wise book.  Thank you, it 
was a pleasant experience.  The enjoyment is twofold, considering that I myself had the fortune of taking courses in the biology and 
chemistry department at the same university as you for five years.  I read and feel as if I uncovered some new things about my past.  
Thank you very, very much.  If I may be so bold as to suggest that your book be obligatory reading by all of our authority holding 
figures, especially in the Ministry of Natural Resources, hoping something will influence them turn things to the better.
With respect,”
I.,33, Moscow, Russia

“… Many things are recognizable.  For instance, the wooden surveillance tower, on which we, like you, climbed with the fear of falling, 
during field practicum.  A few years later I could not find it: it had collapsed from old age…  The style of this book is unusual; here and 
there it was hard to read, especially in the beginning.  But later on I got hooked and spent many comfortable evenings reading.   It was 
a soul-warming experience.”
O., Simbirsk, Russia

“… All of us here are reading your book, it’s exceptionally good!  Absolutely terrific!”
А., 20, Moscow, Russia

"... The book has mixed genres.  It is an itinerary, naturalist’s notes, a philosophical essay and a novel simultaneously.  It could be 
interesting reading for a person of a different occupation as well as of a different age…   I wanted to start reading over again when I 
finished the last page..."
S.,70. Moscow, Russia

"Congratulations on a wonderful book!  I’m tempted to discuss it…”
O., 47, Montreal, Canada

“ …Some chapters akin to Ivan Bunin, but some chapters need some revisions in the next edition…”
V, 70, Moscow, Russia

“… This book ended too quickly: I speak of it like of a pastry, it’s delicious…”
E., 40, Moscow, Russia

“… When I have a heavy heart, I re-read your book, flipping it open at random…”
I., 60, Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan

"... I am re-reading “Fasciatus” right now and again can’t get enough of it.  Your style is so entertaining and interesting.  The whole 
book can be read on just one breath.  My whole family literally read it in 2-3 days..."
А., 19, Moscow, Russia

"... Thank you very much for you wonderful book!  We read it over and over; how you can explain this kind of thinking from a person 
who grew up behind the “Iron Curtain”?
I., 22, Moscow, Russia

“… I found in this book so many interesting facts, that I also decided to become a naturalist!”
V., 11, Tver, Russia

“I read your book from cover to cover in one sitting.  It is a wonderful book about us and our time.  It seemed as if I had been talking 
with a close friend or a like-minded person. Our views on many things coincide, not to mention that we are about the same age.  I think 
that the most valuable point of this book is that it is written honestly and sincerely and it’s interesting to read.  It can be compared to 
famous authors such as Moem, Mursaev, and Heyerdahl.  But your book is much closer to me, because it is written about the Russia 
that I love despite its many contemporary changes.  A book such as this one – it is a celebration, it fascinates you and calls to read it 
over and over again."
A., 47, Saratov, Russia

"... Unquestionably, a very big thank you!"
L., 48, Moscow, Russia

"... It was my great pleasure to read your tale “Bonelli’s Eagle”.  All of the emotions and feelings described in it are well understood and 
very familiar to me.  I spent 1981-1992 working as a researcher (as an ornithologist as you did) in Kaplankir natural preserve in 
northern Turkmenistan… Thank you for creating a record of that time and place.
Good luck to you!”
V., Russia

“...When I was reading and looking over certain pieces, my impression was worse than when I finished reading it in its entirety.  All in 
all the book leaves a very good impression.  I wanted to read it to our children.”
O., 49, Moscow, Russia

"... The encounter with your book was a fascinating experience.  I am telling you without any pomp that it influenced me to look 
differently on many things in my life, helped me to find answers to important questions, and filled in some blanks.  Nowadays, the 
bookshelves are overwhelmed with various literature.  The superficial and primitive style of many of these books suggests that they have 
the only one common purpose - to make quick money.
Fortunately there are other books.  They clear the rose-eyed perspective, release us from virtual reality; invoke us to find our own way 
and God, to appreciate more what we already have in life, our friends and neighbors.  Thank you for that feeling that you could not 
keep inside, which crystallized into such wonderful book."
D., 20, Moscow, Russia

"... Reading your book, I cannot help but feel like I’m returning to a world that I have long ago said goodbye to forever.  And now, 
unexpectedly, this world appeared before my eyes again.  I enter it slowly, quietly rejoicing to the point of pain with its familiar things, 
words, and objects…”
S., 30, Moscow, Russia

"... I read your book at a stretch, two times; first – in two days, second– over about a month. I felt how smoothly the separate piece 
finally came together to form the whole, as if puzzle pieces coming together to create a picture.  I could be nice to find and read 
something similar again, it’s not even important about what – just with the same great style."
S., Kiev, Ukraine

“... I bow deep for Fasciatus.  For an entire three days your book took me back to my student life.  Many of the things I have learned 
from my teacher resounded in your book.”
Y., 45, Briansk, Russia

"... Descriptions of nature resemble those of Prishvin…"
S., 19, Moscow, Russia

"... Thank you for a wonderful gift!  I’m reading with pleasure.  Much is close to my heart.”
S., 52, Moscow, Russia

"... I spent a year and a half chasing after your “Fasciatus” and finally, a month ago tracked it down in Saint Petersburg’s “House of 
books”.  Finished reading it honestly and to the end (IE from cover to cover), and experienced an indescribable joy, as you have 
written about many thoughts that have spun around in my head but haven’t been formalized and committed to paper.  Reading your 
book, I found many parallels in many general perspectives and world-view.  I will impatiently seek the chance to find your second 
E., Tallin, Estonia

"… “I liked it” – does not quite describe it.  I simply carry this book inside of me, constantly listening to the sound of its tune.  The book 
is kind, smart, and very sincere."
J., 37, Moscow, Russia

"... It is obvious that book was not created hastily, and so it is considerably more interesting to read not the words, but at the hand that 
wrote them.  I wish my daughter would read this book too.  I will take charge to recommend this text to all beginning teachers...  Not 
only zoologists would be interested in reading it."
А., 53, Moscow, Russia

"... I would like to express my acknowledgment for the book “Fasciatus”.  This book turned out to be a book about life and its 
adventures.  When I bought it, I was attracted by the picture of an eagle on the cover and did not expect to run into a philosophical 
dispute about different aspects of life.  It is particularly endearing to me because I grew up and live in Uzbekistan. It is not 
Turkmenistan, of course, but there exist so many similarities to what I’ve been through…  I found also that subject of relationships with 
my friends and relatives are very much akin to me, when the tension between people is stratched to the limits.  I thought it is just my 
irrational way of dealing with people that brings so much sadness to my relationships, much more then it brings joy.  I was a reliving 
thought that these happened not only with me.  In general, the book turned out very personal.  I know one thing – the more books we 
have like yours, the louder we will all discuss these issues, as if sifting them through ourselves and our fate, and the more people will 
begin to think about them.  Once again, thank you very much!"
I., 31, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

"A full decade after reading Fasciatus, its story continues to resonate within me and remind me about that which is truly important - 
rather than merely urgent.  Through the eyes of the author, I can travel to and return from a different world of foreign lands, nature, and 
personal discovery almost at will.  I continue to keep the book and be grateful for its contribution to my mindset and world view of 
oneness and inclusiveness.  It carries a positive, trans-formative message that will be important for breaking down the cultural barriers 
that await us in our collective tomorrow.  To those who have it in their reach, I recommend it highly."
F., 28, Portland, OR, USA

"... This book is about nature, but at the same time it is about life in general, about people and country…"
B., 70, Philadelphia, USA

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