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Sergei A. Polozov. MADE IN USA (Americans and American Life Through Russian  Eyes)                

Moscow, EKSMO/Algoritm, 2003, 416 pp. ISBN: 5-699-02361-5

"... I even think about presenting 
this book to several of my 
colleagues who, after having 
lived in America for ten years, 
did not grasp how American 
society works..."

                                                                                                          To Russians and Americans


      In everything written below – there are no politics...  It is simply a story about 
American life, which I became a part of most unexpectedly, even to myself.  I’m 
going on the hopes that if relations between Russia and the States someday 
permanently improve, and Russians show sincere, well-intentioned interest towards 
Americans, then, perhaps, what’s written here will be useful.  If it goes the other 
way, maybe this book will at least help somebody better prepare for yet another 
cold war or something of the sort, presented to us by the movers and shakers as 
dire necessity.
      But essentially, a conversation about America is, of course, also a reason to 
examine ourselves, Russians, in somewhat of a different light.
Sergei Polozov

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